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What are you grateful for?

-   April 8, 2022
I'm grateful to have rekindled a friendship of a former neighbor
Another friend to hang with
-   April 7, 2022
My cat came up to me and laid his head on my leg.
He's super unaffectionate because of having a lot of previous homes but this made me feel loved because he never shows me affection like this. It made my day.
-   April 7, 2022
I was able to wake up and do yoga with an amazing instructor.
This benefited me because I was able to start the day of focused and calm.
-   April 7, 2022
I am grateful for life, any amount of sunshine, my vintage coat, my sense of style and to be living in a safe environment.
I am awake, alive and well. I don't remember the last time I felt like this in the morning, but I am starting to see how any progress in my mood and mental health as a positive.
-   April 6, 2022
Made all my food today and supported me while I worked
Helped my day go smoothly and kept me from missing a meal while I worked a busy day
Profile picture for user aemotes
-   April 6, 2022
Everything. Even though I can be a lot to handle at times he wants to be with me. How can I hate someone he loves so much? Today he took me to the doctor.
He makes me feel safe
-   April 6, 2022
Made me oatmeal
Makes me feel a red for and loved
-   April 6, 2022
My friend reached out to me and asked me how I was and scheduled a time to get together for lunch.
It made me feel like others care about me because I hadn't heard from a lot of my old friends in a while.
Profile picture for user jkle44
-   April 6, 2022
Can't be overstated how perfect a hot cup of freshly brewed coffee hits first thing in the morning.
A delight for all of the senses.
-   April 6, 2022
My wife is a really faring mom that always puts her kids first
Because she is showing so much love to our kids.
Profile picture for user Zivio
-   April 5, 2022
Grateful for a day with plentiful sunshine, interesting experiences, time alone and many positive feelings.
It was pleasant to feel glad to be alive.
-   April 5, 2022
I feel grateful for the animals that help to keep the cricket populations down.
It helps me sleep at night when there are less crickets chirping.
-   April 5, 2022
My boxing trainer pushed me to run two miles today and I didn't want to do it at first but I felt amazing afterwards.
I have been trying to get back into running and start taking better care of myself and I'm grateful that she is there to push me to meet my goals.
-   April 5, 2022
My wife and I went out for a few hour together on Saturday night. She left her phone at home.
We had a blast together just having a few beers and laughing. She was so much fun to
be around.
It made me feel a lot more connected with my wife.
-   April 5, 2022
Successfully handled a work project
It made me feel seen and validated for my efforts
Profile picture for user jkle44
-   April 5, 2022
Being able to hear the birds chattering away in the morning through the bathroom window.
Bird conversation is best conversation
-   April 4, 2022
I feel grateful that I am able to afford to live in this beautiful state.
It allows me to make opportunities that help me grow as a person.
Profile picture for user Theresa
-   April 4, 2022
I enjoyed a ripe avocado on my sandwich!
It's yummy.
Profile picture for user jkle44
-   April 4, 2022
The sun is shining and, while it's still chilly out, Spring weather is on the way.
Something to look forward to after an immensely challenging Fall/Winter
-   April 4, 2022
I had a lovely lunch real. It was a warm sunny day and I sat among the trees in the domain enjoying my lunch.
It relaxed me while I soaked up the makings of Vitamin D.
Profile picture for user Zivio
-   April 3, 2022
Oysterville, WA, USA:

Grateful for yesterday’s walk while the skies were sunny and it was a truly beautiful, springlike day. Especially glad to have taken that opportunity since today it is back to gray, windy, rainy, stormy weather for a few days!
If I had not done so, my spirit today would not have been so light. Thankful.
-   April 3, 2022
I felt grateful for my boyfriend because he always takes time out of his day for me.
This makes me feel loved and know that I will always be safe.
Profile picture for user Zivio
-   April 2, 2022
My brother called me today. I had a pleasant conversation and was also able to get an exercise walk in at the same time. The walks have been ever so much more pleasant when sharing a conversation at the same time..
Profile picture for user Zivio
-   April 2, 2022
I baked a loaf of bread today! This is something I have not done for a long while. I enjoyed a delicious sandwich at lunch, and I’m now having some good memories of Dad and Mom that are associated with home baked bread.
Grateful for these good memories!
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-   April 2, 2022
Grateful for the beautiful, not too warm day and to be seated in the umbrella table in front of the Royal Ground Coffee cafe.
Relaxing, a sense of community and belonging. Nice to be in the fresh air unmasked!!