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What are you grateful for?

-   April 21, 2023
my aunt thanked me for watching her daughter while she was gone.
i was happy to watch the baby for them.4/18
-   April 21, 2023
My mom was home while my package arrived.
We live in a bad neighborhood and they always steal our package .
Profile picture for user Zaniya T.
-   April 21, 2023
My friend Nathan gave me some coffee on the bus this morning on the way to school
I was extremely tired due to staying up late and it gave me energy so I can get through the day.
-   April 21, 2023
estoy uy agradecida de mi mejor amiga que llevamos 8 anos de amistad y es la mejor persona que ha llegado a mi vida
su amistad me hace la persona mas feliz ya que es la persona mas importante en mi vida nose que haria sin ella
-   April 21, 2023

What they did that made me feel grateful was that my card had declined so a stranger came and help buy the stuff I couldn't afford
How it benefited me was that i was able to leave with the stuff i had bought
-   April 21, 2023
I had gotten an opportunity to get a little promotion at work
How it benefited me was that it fully helped me grow my leadership skills alot better
-   April 21, 2023
I was able to go on a trip with my family upstate and that was the first for me It was not big but I thought it was important enough to write.
It was nice for me to go I hadn't gone upstate before so this was a first for me and a good trip .
-   April 21, 2023
My mom took me to my hair appointment, and also took me home afterwards.
This made me feel good because if it wasn't for her i would have missed my hair appointment
-   April 21, 2023
My co-worker took me to work.
I went to work on time.
Profile picture for user Zaniya T.
-   April 21, 2023
My dad took me to an event that I needed to go to for my scholarship even though he lives out in lehigh
It shows me he cares about my success and that he would go out of his way to help me when it comes to school.
dad helping daughter with school
Profile picture for user sebastiannoliv
-   April 21, 2023
My girlfriend sent me an information of someone who's a private seller of cars.
To help me car the perfect car for me
-   April 21, 2023
My Geometry teacher gave me the opportunity to finish some of my math work for full credit.
It relieved some stress from my school life.
-   April 21, 2023
Me and my family went on a cruise during the summer time .i miss it ,it was really fun and just a breather .
It just made me relax .
-   April 20, 2023
We spent time brewing together. It was the company we shared that was most important.
Enjoyed thd person’s company, which means a lot.
-   April 20, 2023
I went for a walk with my friend Peyton.
I felt very happy I went for a walk with my friend Peyton.
-   April 20, 2023
el me ha ayudado muchisimo en todo sentido pero mas que nada me hace muy feliz
me beneficia mucho ya que me hace sentir bien y muy feliz a su lado y estoy muy agradecida de averlo conocido
-   April 20, 2023
voy a ir a un concierto con todos mis amigos
me beneficia ya que pasaremos un buen rato y sera una experiencia inolvidable
-   April 20, 2023
me siento muy agradecida con mi psicologa ya que me a ayudado de muchas maneras y a entender cosas que antes no entendia
me bneficia mucho ya que poco a poco me ayuda a estar mejor de mi salud mental.
Profile picture for user Julia Schmidt
-   April 20, 2023
I am felt grateful today for the sun, the fresh air, my bike ride to work, and for having a workplace to go to everyday.
Good energy and motivation to go to work.
-   April 20, 2023
my boyfriend bought me food after school because i didnt eat lunch
i wasnt hungry anymore
Profile picture for user BenjaminG239
-   April 20, 2023
They complimented my outfit
Made me smile a bit
-   April 20, 2023
my friend thanked me for buying them a snack for lunch.
I was happy to help out a friend
-   April 20, 2023
my sister took me to school and got me starbucks and payed for my starbucks
-   April 20, 2023
I was doing some homework when someone asked me for help in figuring out a certain problem. I was more than willing to help and was able to work through it with them until the solution.
They gave me a thanks and were kind enough to say they appreciated it .
-   April 20, 2023
They helped me make an important decision.
They helped me not be as stressed.