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What are you grateful for?

-   April 28, 2023
I felt grateful when i tried to buy some clothes and my card had declined so this stranger came and paid it for me
it benefit me by how i was able to get some clothes and not worry about getting them
Profile picture for user sebastiannoliv
-   April 28, 2023
I went to an interview and the person who interviewed me was really nice.
By making my day great and giving me hope that I could get the job.
Profile picture for user sebastiannoliv
-   April 28, 2023
My girlfriend gave me a ride home after school.
I could get home on time without having to ride the bus.
-   April 28, 2023
My brother bought me tickets to a concert.
It made me feel happy and excited ,because i love the artist peforming.
Profile picture for user sebastiannoliv
-   April 28, 2023
I'm thankful to my friend for helping me study for some tests this week.
By helping me have better results on my tests.
-   April 28, 2023
One of my friends helped me out by telling how to fix a situation.
It helped me fix the situation.
-   April 28, 2023
One of my friends helped me out by telling how to fix a situation.
It helped me fix the situation.
-   April 28, 2023
The barista made me my drink this morning.
I won't be tired in the morning
-   April 27, 2023
My dad brought me chinese food.
I felt very happy my dad brought me chinese food.
-   April 27, 2023
ayer mi mama estaba cansada y le prepare algo de comer que ella queria
me senti muy feliz de poder hacer algo por ella como ella siempre lo hace por mi
-   April 27, 2023
estoy muy agradecida por un dia mas de vida y salud
estoy viva y bien
-   April 27, 2023
me ha echo sentir mucho mejro despues de una discusion y me ha dicho cosas muy lindas
me hizo sentir mucho mejor
-   April 27, 2023
estoy uy agradecida con una amiga porque ayer estaba pasando un mal momento y ella me contuvo y me ayudo
me ayudo mucho ya que me senti mas tranquila
-   April 27, 2023
a gave my mom a rose
i felt nice to make her happy.
-   April 27, 2023
my brother helped me put up a cage
im gonna put my pet in the cage for timeout.
-   April 27, 2023
I woke up feeling in good health.
I was grateful to have my health back. I was sick all day yesterday and found it challenging to function. Today I am going to make the most of my day.
-   April 27, 2023
my friend put away our materials in art class (she volunteered)
I didn't have to do it
-   April 27, 2023
i am grateful for my parents buying my expensive game i wanted for my birth day
i was very happy that they bought it for me.
Profile picture for user BenjaminG239
-   April 27, 2023
Someone thanked me for holding the door for them
I felt good it was a simple act of kindess
-   April 27, 2023
I gave my friend a gift for his birthday and he said thank you it was nice and small but I guess he appreciated it.
It felt nice being thanked since I guess he didn't expect it from me. All in all it was just nice and kind of me.
-   April 27, 2023
My sister picked me up from work.
I didn't have to ask anyone for a ride home.
Profile picture for user Zaniya T.
-   April 26, 2023
I have been studying these past few days to prepare for my exam test
I had my exam and I'm positive I did a good job. I used as much knowledge as I remember and did my best.
exam day
-   April 26, 2023
My mom made me pizza for dinner today.
I feel very happy my mom made me pizza for dinner today.
Profile picture for user Julia Schmidt
-   April 26, 2023
Many colleagues said thank you because I organize afterwork shuffleboard afternoons.
I felt recognized.
-   April 26, 2023
My dear sweet, adult daughter offered to make me lunch and bring it to me at work today, after finding out that I need to work through lunch. These are the moments that make me so proud of the beautiful woman that she has become and to remember all of the caring ways that she embodies goodness and thoughtfulness. I feel lucky to have her in my life.
Considering that I don't have time to go out to eat, and didn't bring any food for lunch, her generosity ensures that I get some good nutrition today at lunch, and also allows me to stay at work and invest time preparing for two very important meetings today. I also didn't have to spend any money or travel anywhere.