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What are you grateful for?

Profile picture for user carolgstewart
-   June 16, 2021
Maybe it is a part of the training offered by individuals in customer service but I have had the gift of speaking with a few individuals who were exceedingly helpful, kind, thoughtful and friendly. This made my reasons to call fir assistance very favorable. I was very appreciative and thanked them for their service.
My innate dread of calling customer service was lightened by the kindness of the agents. They ALL went above and beyond!
Profile picture for user suepetersen
-   June 16, 2021
Peter led meditation in a farm grassland, a most beautiful place.
Made me realize that we all have gifts that we can share with each other.
-   June 16, 2021
using a desk riser today at work
standing instead of sitting all day
Profile picture for user kc.rn
-   June 15, 2021
Our school teachers have been amazing this year during the pandemic, distance and then hybrid learning. They are incredibly compassionate and understanding, have extreme patience with everything and everyone, and we have a great school community.
Kept me feeling that even though this school year was drastically different, my kids were still learning and growing, and making progress on their educational journeys. Helped me to see the bigger picture instead of hyperfocusing on the small details.
Profile picture for user kc.rn
-   June 15, 2021
Helped me in gathering items and putting things together for our kid's school staff as it is the end of a stressful and challenging school year.
Allowed me to have some rest after a busy day of cleaning and took some burden off.
Profile picture for user marhagan
-   June 14, 2021
Contacted me to check in and tell me about a potential job I may be interested in
It made me feel appreciate and helped to motivate me to continue to work hard
Profile picture for user Emiliana Simon-Thomas
-   June 14, 2021
I maintain my garden in the front of my house
Worthy and appreciated
-   June 14, 2021
The nanny is helpful, flexible, and available.
Reduced my stress and allowed me to do the things I wanted to do and needed to do.
-   June 14, 2021
my job as a school nurse
Profile picture for user Rita Kenahan
-   June 14, 2021
she took care of our dog while we were away
gave me peace of mind, could leave the dog home and comfortable
-   June 14, 2021
We had a showing over the weekend for a potential house we want to buy. We have put in an offer and are waiting to hear what the seller thinks. This home would be perfect for us to customize how we want it.
I feel hopeful about finding our dream home.
-   June 14, 2021
Dr Sorensen and Janay are providing excellent care for my wound and I am hopeful it is healing
I feel safe and reassured
Profile picture for user carolgstewart
-   June 14, 2021
These “little people” bring me great joy every single day!
The sheer act of their unconditional love and their lively spirits are a wonderful blessing every single day!
Lovely little creatures with joyful energy towards me and so many others. Sweet friendliness!
Profile picture for user carolgstewart
-   June 14, 2021
Nature’s blessings!
Lifted my spirits and brought contentment.
Mother Nature in full bloom!
Profile picture for user carolgstewart
-   June 14, 2021
I love spring and summer blessings in my own backyard. My mulberry tree has bountiful gifts and my yard is filled with colorful flowers.
Delicious treats to eat and share with a friend. Great joy seeing the bountiful flowers in my own backyard. Beautiful and delicious treats are such a blessing.
Yummy treats!
Profile picture for user carolgstewart
-   June 14, 2021
She is a reliable and friendly neighbor who I walk with every day with our dogs that I am not busy with something else. She has been a God send for the past many years. This has opened up a neighborhood of friends to visit with every day. I also live in paradise.
See above. She is a predictable and available friend who lightens my day with interesting conversation. She is mostly upbeat and positive energy. She was a lifesaver during the pandemic.
My surprise to her wishing her a happy birthday.
Profile picture for user suepetersen
-   June 14, 2021
Meditated on a farm with like people. It was a beautiful experience!
This reminds me to be still, be patient and have grace and gratitude for every moment!
Profile picture for user marhagan
-   June 13, 2021
Celebrated a 50 year anniversary with family that I hadn’t seen in a long time
It made me smile and got lots of love surrounding me
-   June 12, 2021
A masage
-   June 12, 2021
An opportunity to be able to swim as it makes my world brighter and adds positivity to my life. I see my world with increased gratitude and am more aware of all the beauty surrounding me.
It increases my appreciation of my life and my world. Additionally, I am more positively socially interact with others and hopefully make their lives brighter especially as I work with COVID-19 patients.
Profile picture for user @LaurieGCombe
Laurie G
-   June 12, 2021
Express my emotions surrounding separation from NASN leadership
Validated & appreciated
Profile picture for user @LaurieGCombe
Laurie G
-   June 12, 2021
President of NASN
Grew my leadership in ways I never imagined.
Profile picture for user Rita Kenahan
-   June 11, 2021
I baked her a round of sour dough bread
Profile picture for user Casey_S
-   June 11, 2021
Sent me flowers for my birthday
Made me smile and appreciate the gesture
-   June 11, 2021
I have a new time in my office. We seem to work well together. I can communicate with them and they with me. This is a new development and I look forward to the work we will accomplish together.
Remove some of the stress in my work life.