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What are you grateful for?

Profile picture for user mperez0763
-   November 24, 2021
I am so grateful I was able to attend the Broadway show The Lion King. It was amazing.
It brought back happy memories.
The Lion King
-   November 24, 2021
Mom made me my favorite meal
it was nice to have a homecooked meal
Profile picture for user Lilhawk909
-   November 24, 2021
Brenda and Jen invited me to lunch today.
Got me away from my desk for a nice break.
thumbs up
-   November 24, 2021
Ich ratschte mit der Renate(?), die Mutter vom Jonas. Sie stellte Fragen über was ich alles mach usw, zeigte auch Mitgefühl wegen erfolgloser Jobsuche und Studiumabbruch. Danach gabs mit ihr Klatsch und Tratsch über ihren Sohn und Tochter, was sehr amüsant war!
Ohne sie wäre mein Tag langweiliger und uninteressanter gewesen. Ohne das Gespräch hätte ich nicht diese Freude und dieses Interesse erlebt. Ohne sie hätte ich dieses nette und lustige Gespräch nicht gehabt. Mich hat es auch überrascht, dass sie dort war, weil eigentlich hätte ich sie beim anderen Laden erwartet.
-   November 24, 2021
what I wanna say is thank you, mom. Because I can't afford the tuition of American universities, it's you giving me support to study in the United States.
otherwise, I have to stay in China and Never have a chance to see this world objectively.
Profile picture for user HeartStepsLife@
-   November 24, 2021
Waking-up this morning full of life. For every heart beat, and every step.
God gave me a life-giving opportunity. Helps me to look forward to today, and to tomorrow...
-   November 24, 2021
I'm grateful for all the blessings in my life-- health, career, housing, living in a beautiful area rich with access to nature (and for parents who taught me to enjoy and be stewards of the land), my family/friends/community.......and that's just the beginning! :)
-   November 24, 2021
I recently was on a trip in California and flew into LAX, which is far from the area I was intending to stay. My best friend, Kayvon, woke up at 6am to get to the airport in time to pick me up and refused payment.
It helped save me so much money by avoiding an Uber.
-   November 24, 2021
My wife did all her house chores despite feeling unwell.
I was able to focus on my work instead of taking care of her, our son or our home. Felt pretty relieved once I left work and found out everything in order, with no need to double shift.
-   November 24, 2021
My therapist made me more optimistic about getting better.
I made progress and felt better.
-   November 24, 2021
My mother helped with my son and even the house on a tough day.
Was able to survive one day more.
-   November 24, 2021
My friend is doing the architectural project of my house, is putting an extra effort and still offered me friendly rates.
I'm getting great specifications to build my house at a good price.
Profile picture for user kaileemartin
-   November 24, 2021
Today I am grateful for my solitude. After working for the last 14 days straight and moving into my first house alone, I was grateful to have a day to myself to work on all the projects I have been needing to get done.
This benefited me because it allowed me to get organized and prepared for the week ahead.
-   November 23, 2021
i got to spend all day with family and watch all sports
took my mind off school and work
-   November 23, 2021
So much to be grateful for today! So glad that my mom asked me to go with her and the hiking group on today's hike. And, that I said yes. It was an exquisite hike from the equestrian center at Anthony Chabot Park, with views of the Bay, the rolling hills, the Redwoods. I heard hawks or falcons. I had lovely, lovely conversations with J, S and B. J listened to me talking about work and gave me some things to consider. B and I talked about her trip, my time housesitting and a meditation experience that I had. I talked with S the most, about everything! She seems like a kind, caring and compassionate person, and a good listener.
It made my whole day glorious!
Profile picture for user Betsy
-   November 23, 2021
I met a woman who's a dog walker and we just clicked. Just as importantly, she likes my dog and my dog loves her.
I trust her to take care of our family's old poodle when we can't get home on time from work to let her out or feed her. Trust is a big deal!
This my old girl, Fifi
-   November 23, 2021
My husband is taking his time off today to put in our kitchen floor while I work on my homework.
Our home will be more complete and finished, we currently have half a floor of concrete.
-   November 23, 2021
Pewdiepie bringt mich mit seinem Humor und seiner Verrücktheit nach einem anstrengendem, etwas humorlosen Tag zum Lachen. Manchmal mich ich sogar richtig herzlich und stark lachen. Ich fühle mich dadurch erleichtert und erheitert!
Ohne Pewdiepie wär mein Tag trockener, humorloser, stressiger und lustloser gewesen. Ohne ihn hätte ich weniger Energie für den Rest des Tages gehabt. Die Midterm Exam hat mich schon ordentlich ausgelaugt, deswegen war der Energie- und Freuden-Boost umso wichtiger!
-   November 23, 2021
My advisor at BIO was extremely kind to me and made me feel very welcome and supported.
I felt more supported and sure of my next steps
Profile picture for user mperez0763
-   November 23, 2021
I am so grateful for beautiful music that is soothing to my spirit. And I am so thankful that I am able to hear this beautiful music.
Soothes my spirit. I feel more connected to my Higher Power.
Grounds for Sculpture
-   November 23, 2021
Tell me how to snap up bargains on Black Friday
help me saving money
-   November 23, 2021
The weather is SO perfect today! It is not too cold, just perfectly gloomy.
I finally got to wear a sweater.
-   November 23, 2021
Simply by being there for me when things seemed to be piling up on me.
knowing someone was present when I needed someone. Helped me to get my ducks in a row.
-   November 22, 2021
I was at a wedding this past weekend and wasn't staying the night at the location of the venue. When I was about to leave the wedding (which was early), my good friend Alex offered to buy me a room in the area just so I could continue to hangout at the wedding and get to spend time with them the next day.
I was able to actually stay until the end of the wedding while not paying for another hotel room. I had already paid for a hotel room in a different area (my hometown) and I couldn't afford to book another so without Alex doing this, I wouldn't have been able to experience this fun event!
Profile picture for user Jowahaka4
-   November 22, 2021
I completed a large amount of work with one other coworker. Our supervisor was very happy and impressed with our efficiency.