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What are you grateful for?

-   November 19, 2021
Was grateful to witness the sunrise over the nearby hills on my way to work yesterday.
-   November 19, 2021
Mein Dad hat die verkalkte und dreckige Abstellplatte(?) sauber gemacht, die eigentlich ich heute sauber gemacht hätte. Und das ohne Erlaubnis - ich war anfangs irritiert, weil ich das überhaupt nicht erwartet hätte. Am Ende habe ich mich sehr darüber gefreut. Warum? Ohne seiner Arbeit hätte ich deutlich länger putzen müssen und es wäre am Ende sehr stressig geworden, rechtzeitig bis zur Verabredung (Essen) fertig zu werden!
Ich habe mich gefreut und erleichtert gefühlt. Ich hatte dadurch deutlich weniger Stress und bin schneller mit meinen Aufgaben fertig geworden! Außerdem sieht die Abstellplatte jetzt so gut wie neu aus ;) Sie war nämlich richtig dreckig.
Profile picture for user mccmimosa
-   November 19, 2021
My “Sonshine”, he’s the light of my life, always taking care of me, he makes my days with his wonderful, cheery and understanding attitude. I thank God every second for giving him to me. 🥰
In every way, every single day or every time I talk to him. He’s such a wonderful blessing !
My Sonshine.
R John
-   November 19, 2021
for being healthy, employed, alive, free, and for having Blue in my life
It makes me appreciate little things and don't worry about things.
Profile picture for user Jowahaka4
-   November 19, 2021
She lend me her always nonjudgmental ear and let me talk out a concern. Bear hug ! Today I choose JOY!
I was a feeling of community and understanding . I am ok.
-   November 19, 2021
My Daughter EL smiled at me when I got her up this AM
-   November 19, 2021
My Daughter EL smiled at me when I got her up this AM
-   November 18, 2021
I have a macro set up to open this website if my browser is open for a certain period of time.
This pushes me to be grateful for things, often when I am in a worse mental space and need it most.
-   November 18, 2021
I am grateful for this place to sit.
I got to do breathing exercises.
-   November 18, 2021
The French cafe staff at this French cafe are good vibes.
Made me feel comfortable.
Profile picture for user alison.olsen
-   November 18, 2021
Sr. Rita had lunch with support staff to celebrate all the time we had to work together.
I learned so much, I received so much support, I got to reflect nicely.
-   November 18, 2021
Our home got a new roof! Definitely grateful for having the money to pay for it.
No more leaks and it adds value to our home.
-   November 18, 2021
My roommate and her boyfriend made me dinner last night!
I had a small lunch but was too busy to sit down for dinner, so it was nice to be able to enjoy something to eat before bed.
Profile picture for user mccmimosa
-   November 18, 2021
Take excellent care of my parents, she’s dependable and has a cheerful attitude at all times.
-   November 18, 2021
I am healthy
No so much today
Profile picture for user kaileemartin
-   November 18, 2021
I moved to my first house today! I got a house in Southwest Portland (my dream city) with a new friend! I can’t wait to decorate my room
It gives me peace, security, and freedom! New career beginnings with new surroundings
-   November 17, 2021
The staff at the pizza place are always friendly and give me their spare containers.
Gives me lots of useful equipment for growing things.
-   November 17, 2021
Mum responded about getting some stuff delivered.
Allowed us to split the delivery charge.
-   November 17, 2021
My friends ask me to go to his birthday party
help me to make more friends
Profile picture for user Jowahaka4
-   November 17, 2021
I went to acupuncture with a 3 day headache. I was able to find a zone of peace and some resolution and woke feeling better. I am grateful for my acupuncturist and his knowledge
I resolved some recent feelings of aloneness. After a few weeks of intense genology research. I was feeling alone, and left behind by family. But resolved I can miss them but not continue to hold them back.
Profile picture for user kariniof
-   November 17, 2021
I got my acceptance offer to study in University of Melbourne!
It is a perfect opportunity to learn more about the science of positive psychology and to develop my growth in all areas of my life.
-   November 17, 2021
My extended family threw an unplanned barbecue, providing delicious food and a ride for my family.
Spent an excellent afternoon with my family, eating well, talking, had a delightful walk and got safely back home.
-   November 17, 2021
Sapolsky wrote a lot of thanks and acknowledgements on his Zebras' book, made me realize how much cooperative effort is necessary to achieve good things.
Besides being an excellent read, made me feel a little more optimistic about our society (that cooperates a lot, all the time), and less pressure over having to achieve something personally (I struggle with high standards and high performance), since society is doing very well without me thanks to our nameless masses cooperating. Humanity is like a functional organism, and I'm but a cell.
-   November 17, 2021
My son acted so cute and lovely. He likes to sleep everyday resting on my shoulder while I walk back and forth lulling him. He held my face, said something funny, gave me a kiss on the forehead and hugged me before resting his head again on my shoulder.
Made me feel loved, appreciated and a good father.
-   November 17, 2021
I support her and make her feel safe, providing routine and stability.
Felt pretty good. Felt loved, appreciated and part of a family.