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What are you grateful for?

-   December 3, 2021
I am grateful for lesbians. Without them life would be a lot darker then it already is.
It benefits me because it lets me be able to be with girls who actually like me (and not just pretend to be gay for guy’s attention)
Two long haired lesbians kissing
-   December 3, 2021
Today is my birthday so I am thankful for all the people who wished me a happy birthday. I'm not crazy about birthdays but it did make me feel good to have so many give me kind wishes that they didn't need to.
All the birthday wish made my birthday feel more special than the last few years as I got to see my friends and enjoy the day with them.
Profile picture for user Betsy
-   December 3, 2021
Her smile. Her voice could be uplifting. The way she saw the best in people.
I loved to spend time with her, always looked forward to seeing her, always thought we had all the time in the world...
But see took her own life a year ago today. I'm grateful for the times we had. And I miss her very much.
Peace. And thank you painted large
-   December 3, 2021
My roommate helped me create my cheat sheet within 25 minutes because I was running late for an exam. They also basically tricked me into sleeping which I am grateful for!
For starters, I had a cheat sheet to refer to during my exam and that is the sole reason I will get whatever grade I end up getting. Additionally, with the sleeping, I finally felt a little rested and had enough energy to not only finish my exam early (after being late) but also eating & studying with a friend at a cafe afterwards (currently).
-   December 3, 2021
Getting to watch the snow! Its rare to see snow in TX. ...Loving the MN weather.
-   December 2, 2021
I decorated my grandma's Christmas tree with my grandma.
It was fun to spend time with them.
-   December 2, 2021
Today I won a radio contest to receive free VIP tickets to a Oliver Tree concert. I had 0 expectation to win so I was super exited when I did.
It benefited me as I can now have a fun time with some friends and listen to some good music.
-   December 2, 2021
My brother decided on a name for the baby. Colette Ayumi Chavez.
A new family member is a joy that lasts for a good while. My niece is bringing me joy just by her existing.
-   December 2, 2021
I am thankful for my family and friends.
it always benefits me to have such great people around me.
-   December 2, 2021
Ich danke meinen Freunden Hannah, Eva, Johannes und Felix, dass sie heute den Abend mit mir verbracht haben. Wir haben Poker gespielt (das erste Mal und auch, dass alle bei mir im Wohnzimmer waren) und es war wahnsinnig toll. Ich war richtig im Jetzt. Ich habe mich so erleichtert und amüsiert gefühlt. Das war echt ein toller Abend.
Wären sie nicht gekommen, dann hätte ich alleine meinen Abend verbracht. Auch mit der Sorge bzw Scham, dass ich abgesagt hätte. Beinahe hätte ich diese tollen Momente nicht erlebt und wäre auch nicht über meinen eigenen Schatten gesprungen. Ich bin wirklich sehr dankbar für den Moment und hoffe, in Zukunft weiterhin schöne Abende mit ihnen zu verbringen!
-   December 2, 2021
My teacher, Melissa Huff, has been amazing throughout the semester in my Advanced writing and research class. Her encouragement and writing tips have made the tasks so much more achievable for me.
She definitely helped me survive the semester in a more positive way. I dreaded this class and she made it completely doable by believing in me and offering positive encouragement.
-   December 2, 2021
I read some of the posts in this group and felt a sense of warmth and acceptance even though this is my very first day in the group. I'm so glad I found this. I don't have a lot of friends I can talk to and sometimes feel down about that but I'm already beginning to count my blessings! And there are a lot of them!!!
Made me feel less alone and less lonely
This image made me smile so I wanted to share a little fun with the group.
-   December 2, 2021
I had to drive my new car from Michigan back to Arizona by myself and I made it home safely and without any problems, it was a huge relief when I walked into my apartment and was greeted by my boyfriend and our two dogs.
The time alone allowed me to think about many things and also listen to music and see different views while doing the drive, plus I came back with a new car.
-   December 2, 2021
Sometimes the most random things can uplift my day. Today when reading many of the heartwarming comments, one comment in particular made my day. Calvin commented about how he got reunited with his pet stick stickbert after 7 hours.
It made me think of all the adventures I had with my own pet stick before he got lost while hiking in a forest. It also reminded me to love the small things in life. If you’re reading this, thank you Calvin!
Calvin’s comment about how grateful he is for his pet stick.
-   December 2, 2021
The waves of sleep overtook me, As I drowned into unconsciousness I felt peaceful.
My brain finally shut off, the constant battle of thoughts quieted, I ventured into vivid experiences that could only be found in deep sleep. I felt alive once again.
Falling into the depths of sleep
-   December 2, 2021
I had a chance to do an interview for a better job
Meet new people
fresh challenge
a better and more rewarding life
Profile picture for user mbs1624
-   December 2, 2021
Scotty, our UPS driver, always remembers my name and has time to say a kind word.
He made me smile, and I don't feel so alone.
-   December 2, 2021
My parents for helping with Charlotte again today while she is online learning. My mom made it easy for me to have time to focus on work.
It allowed me to have some calm in my day and get back on top of my work load at work.

Profile picture for user mperez0763
-   December 2, 2021
Grateful for quiet time spent in self-reflection.
It gave me the opportunity to listen and to feel the desires of my heart to help my coworkers to recognize their inner wisdom and power, and to develop renewed hope.
-   December 2, 2021
They hung out with me and we spent time together.
It made me happy and passed the time.
-   December 1, 2021
My roommate woke me up very gently from an unintentional nap (i blame exhaustion) and fed me dinner
This gave me energy and allowed me to eventually get back to work
-   December 1, 2021
I went with some friends today after work to go get some food. Once we arrived I was going to pay for the things I wanted when a friend stopped me and told me that they would just cover me. I tired to say that wasn't necessary but they were insistent to pay. I thanked them and the replied that it was no big deal which was nice of them.
Their actions benefited me as it made me happy after the kind gesture they did for me. I felt thankful to have people like that in my life.
Profile picture for user mbs1624
-   December 1, 2021
Coworker told me about a successful search, because of a cataloging project I'm doing.
A coworker complimented my role in doing great work. They also told my supervisor, who acknowledged the work we've been doing.
-   December 1, 2021
My older brother brought in a new addition to the family. As of today 12/1/21 he is a father and I an uncle now. This news brought about a sense of joy. I'm sure our mom would have been proud of him.
Good news such as this does not come every day. It definitely helped to elevate my spirits. For the first time in a long while I am excited about something.
Profile picture for user mperez0763
-   December 1, 2021
I am grateful for chocolate 🍫. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, hot chocolate.
I enjoy its sweet, rich flavor.