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What are you grateful for?

Profile picture for user Zaniya T.
-   May 5, 2023
I was able to go to my boyfriend's classroom and help him out with some work
The job got done much faster and then I got to hang out with him as well
helping out
Profile picture for user Zaniya T.
-   May 5, 2023
We got to cuddle together and he gave me his hoodie
Now I get to have his hoodie and it makes me feel safe wherever I go
boyfriends hoodie
-   May 5, 2023
i wrote a heart felt paragraph to my mom
i felt good to make her happy
-   May 5, 2023
My friend let me borrow her colored markers
This made me get my project done because I didn't have any colored markers back home
-   May 5, 2023
I remember going to this water park when I was a kid and just thinking back on it was a great experience since at the time my parents were working all the time and I was able to go with a group of my friends.
It was incredisbly special to me and I was happy .
-   May 5, 2023
ayer tenia mucha hambre y ganas de comer algo rico y mi papa me compro comida
esto me hixo sentir muy feliz
Profile picture for user sebastiannoliv
-   May 5, 2023
My uncle is helping me out with the car budget.
By being able to have a better deal for a better car.
-   May 5, 2023
My cousin called to check up on me.
I catched up with him.
-   May 4, 2023
I went for a walk with my friend Peyton.
I felt very happy I went for a walk with my friend Peyton.
-   May 4, 2023
I had gone without food and water for five hours. I was feeling tired, gloomy and my head was throbbing. Then I went home, and I had 2 liters of water and bowl of chili, that I had made for myself a few days ago. Then after that I cardio for 20 minutes and some rehab exercises.
It rejuvenated my body and mind. I felt energized and less gloomy. I can almost always count these things improving my mood to some degree. It's the best natural happiness booster. Very grateful that I have these things, to make me feel better.
-   May 4, 2023
I walked through a process we use to handle a particularly difficult situation that arises from time to time in the workplace. I did this with some finance colleagues that were so enlightened to learn about this process.
I felt so valued for the work that me and our team does on a daily basis for the university.
-   May 4, 2023
Yesterday, when I needed to have a dessert dish to bring to a ladies fellowship program at our church, my mom offered to bake a pie, and to join me. That was so very nice of her, and saved the day. The event was so well attended, and renewed my confidence in female friendships and that people are okay getting together again in-person. I really felt the warmth of friendship yesterday evening.
By my mom baking a pie, which was really my responsibility, it allowed me to work the entire day, and saved me a trip to the grocery store after work, and possibly being late to the event. It made for a great ending to an otherwise hectic work day.
-   May 4, 2023
i checked up on my friend that was sad
i felt great to reassure her
-   May 4, 2023
theres an upcoming spring football game
im gonna perform in halftime.
-   May 4, 2023
Provided service i needed
Makes me feel better and look better
-   May 4, 2023
Provided service i needed
Makes me feel better and look better
Profile picture for user sebastiannoliv
-   May 4, 2023
I'm thankful to everybody in my life. Anyone that has helped me build my personality and helped me become who I am. My family, my friends, my teachers, even some people that I have only met for one single day, they all have helped me achieve my goals so far.
I just got admitted to one of the most exclusive programs at FGCU.
-   May 4, 2023
my mom gave me $5
I bought a snack
-   May 4, 2023
mi hermana me ayudo el otro dia en el trabajo porque estaba muy colapsada a
me ayudo y pude terminar mi trabajo
-   May 4, 2023
I felt grateful for my boyfriend because he helped me with my school work and he always shows me how proud he is.
He pushes me to be the better version of myself and he helps me achieve them.
-   May 4, 2023
a freind gave me food when i wasnt feeling good and took me to class
Profile picture for user BenjaminG239
-   May 4, 2023
They told me my hair looked nice
this made me feel less self conscious
-   May 4, 2023
I helped them get their breakfast.
I felt appreciated and happy that i was able to help them.
-   May 4, 2023
I let my friend borrow my shirt and she gave it back to me today.
It made me feel normal but also happy because she brought it back to me and usually my friends don't give back my stuff
-   May 4, 2023
I was out with my friends and we made memorable memories.
It made feel happy that we all experienced that together.