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Public Thnx4 Journal

What are you grateful for?

Profile picture for user jruelas
-   November 8, 2021
My friend invited my husband and I over for a BBQ last night- and I'm really grateful for their generosity, kindness, and above all, their friendship.
Her kindness inspired me to make potato salad for the first time and nailed it! :0)
-   November 8, 2021
My best friend messaged me first thing Monday morning to wish me a good week and let me know she loves me.
Reminded me of the beautiful people I have in my life that care for me.
-   November 7, 2021
Charity lead a meaningful meditation session this morning at the San Francisco Botanical Garden.
I felt more centered and calm the rest of the day.
-   November 7, 2021
Favourite things:
Not getting angry with Simon for accidentally spilling spagetti

Able to go on mini runs while completing my forest walk

Appreciating the power of the moment catching myself in forest living the moment

Listening to holiday jazz after dinner with friends and just washing up and not stressing

Appreciating dinner with friends after long absence connecting due to covid - nice to repay kindness and shoot the breexze
Profile picture for user bwanzek
-   November 6, 2021
My dog was keeping me company all morning when I wasn’t feeling the greatest.
It’s made me feel better!
-   November 6, 2021
I'm grateful that today is the end of my work week! I'm grateful for a "lighter" day, after these weeks and weeks of high censuses and long hours.
Profile picture for user SaulGood2112
-   November 6, 2021
I helped her with her horses, especially with Winston(her big boy)who isn’t feeling well.
Happy to help
Profile picture for user donna.packer.
-   November 6, 2021
I took a walk in the morning fog.
Very pleasant to walk in a cool fog instead of the heat. Much more energy
Profile picture for user donna.packer.
-   November 6, 2021
After not following my weight loss plan for a week I only gained 1.2 lbs
It marked a time to refresh and recommit to the goal of reaching my natural weight.
Profile picture for user bwanzek
-   November 5, 2021
I quit my job on the spot because I was having a really hard time, but then my bosses called me to check on me and gave me another chance to come back to work and finish out my notice
I am leaving this job in good standing
Profile picture for user Zivio
-   November 5, 2021
Oysterville, WA,MUSA: Grateful that the gloom of the rain broke a bit this afternoon and I pushed past some resistance to go and take a bike ride.
Feeling rested and relaxed now -- it did my soul some good. Jnnn
-   November 5, 2021
He is cute and smiles
Made me smile
Profile picture for user jenaka
-   November 5, 2021
My mom is visiting for parents weekend
I haven't seen her since August
-   November 5, 2021
Grateful for this last year plus of WFH opportunities, as that option is coming to an end next week and I will be back onsite at my hospital full-time soon, I am truly appreciative for the opportunities that I have had.
It allowed me to get to know my neighbors better (without a 2 hour commute, I was able to socialize with them), it allowed me to recognize the beauty of my neighborhood, the gardens and birds, etc.
Profile picture for user kewruk
-   November 5, 2021
Emily was honest and shared her feelings with me
made me less stressed out about her life and taking care of Kinsley
-   November 5, 2021
Waking up to a beautiful sun that steamed the frost off my car as a drank a hot coffee from my warm kitchen…!
I’m Blessed to be inside and warm
Profile picture for user donna.packer.
-   November 4, 2021
Something that I ordered that had been delayed was delivered today.
It put my mind at rest
-   November 4, 2021
This morning on what started as a quiet walk around my neighborhood in the still dark morning, I had the chance to witness the sunrise and watch everything slowly wake up and come to life.
It made me "slow down" and appreciate the moment and the beauty around me.
Profile picture for user catchbrittifyoucan
-   November 4, 2021
He has been helpful, supportive, and encouraging throughout my injury.
Im having a hard time with it all but he has been pushing me to stay positive and motivated.
-   November 4, 2021
My therapist helped me see my faults and how to work on them
Made me be a better person
-   November 3, 2021
I was driving along the Eastshore freeway during sunset tonight, the light was exquisite on Mt Tam, the GG Bridge and in the water.
I realized that I am so lucky and grateful to live here now, in such a beautiful place.
Profile picture for user knikkiswis11
-   November 3, 2021
God has given, me so much! I am so thankful for my family, my life, and my job. He gave me a low patient ratio, provided several avenues for stress relief, and overall reduced my anxiety. I have been so anxious, it almost felt like I was burning from the inside out for the past couple of days. God has taken that away from me and provided me with peace. I am so happy, I could cry. I am so incredibly grateful, thankful, and blessed beyond measure!
My anxiety and stress was reduced greatly, and I finally feel more at peace with myself.
♡ Thank you Lord, for saving my soul ♡
-   November 3, 2021
opportunity to share the PBX with Admin Fellow Campbell P; and had a Life Safety inspection at the same time!

pride in team
-   November 3, 2021
I felt grateful for having a job that pays enough for me to have the comfort of ordering lunch and financial security enough to not worry about this extra cost.
Had a worry-free nice lunch.
-   November 3, 2021
Helped him with a work chore.
I felt useful.