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What are you grateful for?

-   December 8, 2021
A few of my favourite things over the last few days:
enjoyed making dinner for the family - while they relaxed

always enjoy my walk / jogs and listening to music x 2 - finds this to be one of the biggest fears with my heart disease for the future....

seeing my cute doggo jump up lovingly on my wife

enjoying setting up xmas decorations (taking it at my own pace)

-   December 8, 2021
This person gave me some medicine for my headache today and it was very helpful
The medicine made my headache go away which was nice
-   December 8, 2021
I went to a great restaurant and my favorite coffee shop with my friends today and spending so much time with them just made me appreciate their company.
I just felt so grateful for all the time we had spent together this semester as we worked on a project together and it meant the world to me.
-   December 8, 2021
I have no idea what I did to receive an anonymous shout out from a colleague. I even received 2 shout outs. Apparently I am performing my duties enough to be recognized for my efforts. This is a welcomed surprise.
This was awesome. I was not expecting a shout out let alone 2. Made my day honestly.
Profile picture for user mperez0763
-   December 8, 2021
Grateful my shift last night was smooth. Patients were fine.
Ease and peaceful
-   December 8, 2021
So today my dad Installed new speakers in my car. I had mentioned in passing that the speakers in my car were blown up and that I should buy new ones at some point. Well it turns out he bought new ones for me and installed them in the car while I was at work.
The new speakers sound great and I am very thankful that my dad installed them for me. I was very surprised that he remembered something I barely mentioned so that made my dad.
Profile picture for user mbs1624
-   December 8, 2021
Pointed out a needed change.
It made our database, a better database.
-   December 8, 2021
They put aside stuff in the past and started a new with me.
It made me happy.
-   December 7, 2021
So today I there was some drama between friends and I was kind of stuck in the middle of the whole thing. But luckily I had a friend who backed me up and eventually resolved the whole thing in my favor. He was insistent that the other dude was just making stuff up and ended up proving it. I am super grateful for him as I don't think people would have believed my story if he didn't step in and help.
The helped me out a ton because not only did it prove that I hadn't done anything wrong. It also showed that the other dude was just lying to start drama. It's good to know I have people like him to have my back.
-   December 7, 2021
he listened to me, and my point of view. I feel grateful that someone heard me out because i really needed to rant and for me to explain it properly and to have someone at the very least understand my point of view, even if he didn't agree with it.
it benefits me because i need emotional support. i felt understood and heard. I feel greater love for my boyfriend even though i am generating the love all on my own. I feel more understood, therefore more loved, that's just how my enneagram works. It was sweet sweet release! I released the stress.
-   December 7, 2021
Packed my lunch
Made my morning much smoother
-   December 7, 2021
woke up for fajr prayer
I will not earn a bad deed
-   December 7, 2021
I have yet to officially thank/be grateful for the opportunity to be an educator. I have worked hard for years to get to this position. The first few months I was overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities so I did not have time to appreciate exactly what it was that I was doing. Now that I have had time to reflect on my position, and find time for myself, I am remembering why I wanted to be a teacher in the first place. For that I am grateful.
Well, I do not hate waking up and going to work anymore. I am not in a financial position where I will be able to retire in my 30s, or in my 40s, like some of my friends. But I have always believed that teaching is what I would choose to do if money was not an issue. I want to believe these words, and I am in the process of believing.
-   December 7, 2021
tracked an old college classmate. from college at his place of work and he agreed to call me back
Made me feel good he wanted to talk to me.
-   December 6, 2021
Was able to attend a creative zinemaking workshop
It was a very warm and welcoming space—i felt very comfortable and relaxed, even in the company of strangers
-   December 6, 2021
Today it was super cold and my dad gave me a call right after I got off work. He asked me if I could pick him up from the shop so he didn't have to walk a few miles home. I told him that wasn't an issue and picked him up about 10 minutes later. Afterwards he thanked me by filling up my car with gas without me knowing until afterwards. I said that he didn't have to but he insisted that he didn't mind as I went out of my way to pick him up.
It felt pretty good to drive him around since for the rest of my life he's always been the one driving me places.
-   December 6, 2021
The yoga instructor was so gentle, calm, and warm.
I feel much calmer!
-   December 6, 2021
Favourite things over the past few days:
Helping neighbors with xmas lights

Seeing cute green hummingbird while putting up the lights

Enjoying my gentle jog walk around the golf course in the brisk winter air

Setting up the xmas tree and starting in on the decorations

Building lego set with Simon (Xmas)
-   December 6, 2021
My students. The primary reason I wanted to become an educator was that I would have the opportunity to work with students. The interactions that we (educators) can have with students are always amazing. The youth inspire us and motivate us to be better people. Every day I am seeing that through the classroom interactions we have.

One of my students regularly plays Just Dance to workout at home. I tried the game myself over the weekend. I was exhausted after 15 minutes of exercising. This student exercises to the game for over 30 minutes daily. I am more impressed by his accomplishments now that I know first hand how challenging they are. Today in class I jokingly asked him for his help and without skipping a beat he replied that he would be happy to help me. Today was a good day.
This interaction brought a smile to my face. I love teaching.
-   December 6, 2021
My wife told me she loved me when she came home from work and I was grateful to hear those words.
It made me feel loved and brought me some calm.
-   December 6, 2021
I am grateful to have a healthy family and to spend quality time with them

I am grateful that my grandparents are always with me

I am happy to have a big and present family
-   December 6, 2021
My love did the shopping and cooked dinner
Gave me time to do my work
-   December 6, 2021
I laid out my outfit the night before (a new habit that I’m trying to develop).
It made my morning so much easier and less rushed.
-   December 6, 2021
My Mom is always supportive of me. I have felt so stressed out with trysting to find a internship and job now that I am graduating. Life was much simpler to just be a student, but my Mom has showed me that life only gets better with meeting new people and opportunities
She always appreciates when I tell her I love her and all of her support.
-   December 6, 2021
We went to get a Christmas tree.
It made me happy.