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What are you grateful for?

Profile picture for user Sally-gratitude
-   November 27, 2023
I gave handmade books to my colleagues/friends just as friendship gifts - not for the holidays.
I knew how much they loved the handmade books I had shown them in the past and really wanted to share with them.
-   November 27, 2023
Sun shining over the water, blue sky overhead, my rambunctious dog.
Made me feel happy to be alive.
-   November 27, 2023
My mom is going through a hard time with an upcoming surgery and I was just home this weekend for thanksgiving break. She just texted me this morning to thank me for being there and helping her this weekend.
I felt really good because I feel awful that I can't be with her daily since I'm away at school.
-   November 27, 2023
Fabienne m'a témoigné de son soutien en me proposant de venir pique niquer même dans ma chambre s'ille faut si je ne me sens pas assez bien demain pour la rejoindre qqpart
Me suis sentie aimée considérée prise en compte
-   November 26, 2023
Dr Sellers invited Jeevitha and I to her home for Thanksgiving.
I learned a lot, and felt warm and comforted.
-   November 26, 2023
Exist. My friend is going through a difficult time in their life, with their family and they said that me acting normal and being positive, always warms their heart. They say I give them a lot of peace in their busy life and they're glad I am their friend who genuinely loves them.
I felt touched. Super happy and fuzzy inside, I then went to thank them too.
Profile picture for user andreafiggy
-   November 26, 2023
The health and silliness of my dogs!
It made me smile! And though it got frustrating at times, it did get me up and off my butt :)
-   November 26, 2023
My wife, despite being sick, made her usual family breakfast this morning.
I was able to do other things while she made breakfast and then was able to enjoy what she had made
-   November 26, 2023
My friend stayed at the library with me until 10 p.m. for two nights in a row while I caught up with missing schoolwork
Having my friend there made it easier to stay focused on work because I felt like I had a support system with me
-   November 25, 2023
I am grateful for the fact that my mother is healthy!
I feel happy and hopeful.
-   November 25, 2023
Just being in her company.
I was restored and stimulated by her company.
-   November 25, 2023
I was just sitting and starting my work for the day when I realized how grateful I am for my home. I have such a beautiful house in the town I grew up in and I am so happy I get to spend my days here with my family.
So many people's houses are being destroyed on the other side of the world. I am so lucky to live in such a safe place and to have this home to rely on.
Profile picture for user Sally-gratitude
-   November 25, 2023
Drove nephew and his girlfriend to downtown late at night so they could party and not deal with driving and parking.
Made me feel good that they didn’t have to hassle with unknown territory and he really didn’t mind and in fact offered because he does like to drive. they Ubered home very late!
Two people standing in a doorway
-   November 24, 2023
Jake paid for my ice skating admission and skates. He's been paying for everything mostly each time we go out and I feel thankful and cared for when he does it.
I get to go out and hang out with friends and him, all for free.
-   November 24, 2023
My sister and I are about to spend the day together and we're going to get good and go shopping. It should be a really fun day.
I've beenhaving a tough time lately, so being able to spend the day with my sister is going to make me feel a lot better.
Caesar Herman
-   November 23, 2023
For the headspace app
This app help me to prsctice mindfulness
-   November 23, 2023
Today is Thanksgiving, so I had a really big meal with my family with tons of yummy food.
I am just really grateful to have access to so much good food. My Palestinian brothers and sisters haven't eaten in days or even weeks, so I am lucky and grateful that I can get and eat food whenever I want.
-   November 23, 2023
My mom washed and folded my laundry as well as served my food/bringing it all the way to my room.
I got folded laundry to take back to the dorm and I didn't have to get up from my computer to eat.
-   November 23, 2023
That my son today seemed happy, thoughtful and engaged even though he’s still using.
It was a relief, respite, and gave me hope.
-   November 23, 2023
That my son today seemed happy, thoughtful and engaged even though he’s still using.
It was a relief, respite, and gave me hope.
Profile picture for user Sally-gratitude
-   November 23, 2023
Just feeling thankful that we have the bounty that we do for preparing a meal. Thanking the farmers in the land and everyone who brings the food so that we can cook and have it on our table.
Although I’m very tired from cooking and cleaning in preparation for family coming for Thanksgiving I’m grateful that I have the energy because I know that someday I won’t. It’s already been dwindling over the years and I feel less and less like putting the effort out to “entertain“. So I need to remember to be grateful for the energy that I have now.
A pumpkin pie sitting on a stove
-   November 23, 2023
I'm healthy, happy, and with my family.
I feel loved and not lonely.
Profile picture for user Sally-gratitude
-   November 22, 2023
I gave my PT a “peace catcher“ that I made. Very brightly colored with a peace sign and I gave it because her mother had breast cancer surgery and I thought she could use a little brightness in her day.
Genuinely felt good but a bit rushed.
-   November 22, 2023
I talked to someone who seemed anxious before my marine biology exam. I wished them good luck and that we would be free to enjoy the holidays after this. Afterward, they seemed a bit more calm and relieved/assured.
It felt good to talk to someone before the exam. It made time pass quicker.
-   November 22, 2023
I'm going through a really hard time right now, so I'm just grateful for me family for always being there for me.
The actions benefited me because it took my mind off of the hard time I'm experiencing